Saber is one of the hero assassin in Mobile Gaming Legends. Although including a rare hero worn by players, Saber excellent ganker hero used to be. According to my experience playing, Saber is a hero very balance, since he can attack from a distance or near. His ability can also approach the enemy away quickly at the same time give effect to drift (airborne effect).
How to play than hero Saber also requires a pretty good experience.
As user Saber, you have to control the distance and knowing when the
time is right to move forward with using his ultimate ability. From my experience, he couldn't play hero carry, with items up damage and so forth, he still can't beat the DPS of the hero carry like Natalia and Miya. But don't get me wrong, if he played with true and correct, he can beat 1v1 with hero like Natalia or Miya which was the hero carry.
This time I will share guide Saber Mobile Legends, any items that suited him and along with the reason why I chose these items. I will also explain a bit how to play on a description of the item later. Just go ahead, check out these six items to be used in the guide the following Legends Mobile Saber.
Magic Shoes
I start with the shoes that will be used by Saber. I think a hero is Saber relies heavily on the ability of basic attack on his shoe, so a reduction in cooldown is suitable by it. The less of its ability cooldown, Saber would be very deadly hero though from a distance or near. This is due to the ability of the Saber that is Flying Sword and Enemy's Bane. With the ability to throw the sword that is Flying Sword, it can reduce enemy armor up to 45% of the long distance!
Tooth of Greed
The first item I recommend for purchase. With this item you can keep HP you remain on the safe limit throughout the game. How to play true Saber is continuously gank your enemies. If you are dying after successful enemy gank, you can reverse the HP you snuff out the creep in the forest and back the other enemies gank.
Hunter Strike
Mandatory items and also the main item to be bought by hero Saber. With this item you can decrease the cooldown of ye ultimate ability by 20%. Not to mention you can stack with cooldown reduction items shoes and also buff from super creep in the forest. With these items, you will be a very deadly ganker and scary. I recommend about Battle Spell that matches is used by Saber is a Flicker. By Battle Spell, you can escape or approached the enemy with great ease.
Blade of Destruction
Boost damage and trigger at the same time critical of the basic attack attack you. Good enough to add to the damage when you successfully issued the ultimate and attack the enemy to hit 1-2. In addition you can steal life faster when suppress enemy creep in the lane or in the forest. This item can also help you when doing a 1v1 fight the enemy carry. Different Playstyle from its own Saber with other heroes, you will never play a match to basic attack by the enemy.
Saber is a pretty weak hero if you met the basic attack, because once again I say, he is not the hero carry. You have to play the distance with the enemy and wearing Flying Sword you remotely. You can add distance from enemies using abilities of Charge courtesy of Saber, while waiting for the cooldown of the ultimate you. With the build of the items above, you can use two times the ultimate of all time fight 1v1 with the enemy. Even if you are very clever playing distance, you can beat 1v1 against any hero in Mobile Legends with build this item.
Brute Force Breastplate
Armor that can improve walking speed and attack you when successfully attacked enemy. This item is very synergy with the capability of Flying Sword, therefore this item is suitable by Saber. You will also need a bit of armor later in the late game, because after successfully doing the ultimate, you would have been close in a crowd of enemies ready to menyerangmu.
Magic Blade
The last item in guide Saber Mobile Legends is a Magic Blade. Same as Brute Force Breastplate, these items can help you survive when thy hero is dying. When HP-mu under 30%, you will get a barrier that protects you from damage. Very fit in well with the type of play hit and run like hero Saber. If you do not agree with this item, you can replace it with a Crazed Reaper. The item is also good enough to use for Saber.
That's the guide Saber Mobile Legends this time, good luck!
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